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5 Golden Rules to Concise Essay Writing You Never Knew!

Students often face problems in staying within the word limits while writing an academic essay. They struggle to convey their message successfully in the number of words specified by their instructor. This can lead to poor essay structure where some things are explained in great detail while other important things stand missing. 

The experts at Assignment Prime provide excellent essay writing service to the students and also help them improve their writing to score better grades. They also worked on this issue and have come up with some rules which you can follow to write crisp and clear essays in limited words. 

1. Stick to your message – Every essay has a particular aim behind it. You tend to write an essay to convey your message to the audience. The first rule to concise writing is to identify that message and stick to it while writing. If you only include closely related things to your message, your essay will be definitely concise. 

2. Avoid passive voice – When you write in first-person, you are able to better depict things from your viewpoint. When the subject is at the beginning of the sentence, you quickly reach the point without wandering off. Although it may not be possible at some places, you must try to use active voice as much as possible. 

3. Use simple language – A lot of expressions and tangled words will only make the essay confusing and distract you from your original message. State things in simple words without any ornamentation. This can be achieved only if you have a deep understanding of the topic. Thus, before jumping into writing the essay, conduct thorough research and understand the topic. 

4. Come to the point quickly – There is an aim behind your essay; thus, instead of beating around the bushes, come to the point as early as possible. Adding unnecessary details will ruin the objective, and you will lose your way. Instead, keep the main composition in mind and adhere to it no matter how alluring it is to add extra information to it. 

5. Do not restate things – When you are trying to write concisely, try not to rehash yourself. Restate things only when key data needs to be added. For example, when you include tables and charts, make them self-explanatory and use words only to explain the most important details about them rather than starting everything all over again. 

Following the above rules and removing pointless words from your essay will help you write a concise essay. You can contact the essay writers at Assignment Prime if you have any doubts.